Lauren Gemmell

Food, Fitness, and Technology

Tag: easy

Easy Mexican Wrap Pizzas

Every couple of weeks I make a mexican themed dinner, usually chicken fajitas or tacos. Making them for two tends to mean leftovers – however hard we try we don’t seem to be able to finish 4 fajitas each, or 12 taco shells!!

So often I put the leftovers in the fridge only to throw out 5 days later when I realise I am never going to eat them now. It feels a bit rubbish to be throwing out little bits of so many different things, especially after reading The Everlasting Meal over Christmas.

So yesterday I went into the fridge and pulled out all the bits and pieces of leftover mexican food from mid-week. There were two corn wraps, half a tin of refried beans, a quarter of a jar of hot salsa and an orange pepper (along side the usual fridge staples of eggs and cheese).

Easy and Quick Mexican Wrap Pizzas

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Easy Minced Beef Pie

For me perfect winter food is warming, rich and easy to make, there is less hovering over the stove, less stress. This “pie” is exactly that, instead of making a meat pie incased in pastry you make the meat filling then top with a square of puff pastry on the plate!

Easy Minced Beef Pie

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Sweet and Sour Chicken

Sweet and Sour Chicken

When I was a child I used to hate sweet and sour sauces with a passion, I never even told my parents (I am not sure why – if I had I’m sure they wouldn’t have made me eat it!) I don’t even really remember what it was, but I think it was the taste of pineapple.

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Raspberry and Whisky Trifle

There is an inherent difference between men and women, or at least between Matt and I. I want fuss and time and effort, Matt wants anything for the easy life – the less stress version.

This is most obvious by looking at what I made each of us for a birthday cake. I wanted a stunning three layer brightly coloured cake, lots of time, lots of effort, lots of stress and essentially (in this case) disappointment.

Raspberry and Whisky Trifle

Matt however wanted… nothing, he wouldn’t be drawn on what he wanted at all as his birthday cake this year. For a while I thought about making a lemon torte, but I have tried umpteen different recipes and none of them worked, none of them were really even tasty. In the end I gave in to what he wanted which was the least stress option.

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